C.H.U.D. Movie Review

A cult classic from 1984, C.H.U.D. is the whimsical tale of a mutated race of people living below the streets in sewers and abandoned tunnels, whom occasionally like to bring folks down to their place for dinner. As the police learn of their existence, a horror movie plays out - but in this generic backdrop for a low budget horror movie, can it k

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Halloween 4 Movie Review

Released in 1988, 10 years after Halloween, Halloween 4 takes place 10 years after the Haddonfield incident. Michael Myers escapes a transfer, and returns to Haddonfield to (blog post) stalk babysitters and murder a long lost female family member on Halloween night, but his old doctor is here to stop him! Yes, that is the plot of both movies.Sour

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Up in Smoke Movie Review

I missed the 4/20 special last year, so better make up for that! So let's have a look at the movie credited for creating the "Stoner Comedy" genre: Cheech & Chong's "Up in Smoke." It's the story of two comedians that got popular enough, they were able to toss a bunch of material together and call it a movie. What, you want the plot of the movie?

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Under Siege 2 Movie Review

Summer of Steven Seagal raps up with Under Siege 2. Yes, it was worth having that in full caps. Today, we take a look at the sequel to Seagal's best work, Under Siege 2: Dark Territory. Effectively Under Siege on land, Under Siege 2 makes a lot of the same mistakes many sequels do. However.. in an action movies action movie, does that matter quit

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Battle Star Wars Movie Review

A special review for May the 4th, we'll be looking at Battle Star Wars! What's (blog) that got to do (blog post) with Star Wars? Well.. just look at the ...Source: Battle Star Wars Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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